Friday, May 29, 2015

Here's a bet.

I bet there are more d-bag liberals than actual racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, ignorant, war hawk conservatives who fancies their cousin.

Ah, the ever open minded, educated, non-ignorant BosWash corridor. I don't even believe that the TEA Party had a "CONFEDERATE" label before they publicly, and officially, called themselves the TEA Party. The words in caps brings to light the contempt that modern day liberals, if not your garden variety type liberal, have for anyone who don't hold similar political views like them.

TEA = Taxed Enough Already

It's about taxes, but evidently that's a rather hard thing to find out let alone to understand and to sympathize with.

Is it me or do modern day liberals want conservatives to be social outcasts and that they purposefully relish the idea? Though just a story, as told by a man who seemed to enjoy the alienation of his co-worker, that a co-worker of his eating lunch at work with other colleagues. Politics came around and he voiced his views - apparently they were conservative and he was mocked for them. The man telling the story bizarrely enjoyed that the co-worker, who now was humiliated, ate at his desk alone after that incident.

(And to make a point about sex: The word "teabagger" was used by those in the TEA Party, though not all, to describe themselves as supporters of the movement. The name later was spinned to be derogatory in a sexual manner by those who had contempt for the movement. Let's just say "teabagger" wasn't the smartest label to adopt. )

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