I don't go looking for these types of comments. They just come my way as I skim through the combox. There's always at least one poster, with socially liberal leanings of course, that show how they're spoiled and outright bitter (and not for any good reason).
The left's argument, the main points, for saying "yes" to gay "marriage"? It's a right dammit! If people can't marry their own sex - or person of their choosing regardless of sex - then it's a limit on personal freedom!
Then there's the "but we help people" idiot.
"Caring about" -
- the earth = anti-fracking, global warming, sustainability, solar energy
- the people = universal healthcare, rise of minimum wage, expansion of welfare system, abortion, gay "marriage", women's "rights", transgender operations
- the future of humanity = all of the above
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