Thursday, May 28, 2015

Modernism is truly vacuous.

The problem with push-over-Christians and secularists is that they think everyone else who is serious *ahem actually adheres to* about their faith is a "fundie." Other wives aren't so fond of Thinking Housewife.

It's a rather simple mind that the modernist has.

Don't support same-sex "marriage"? Bigot. Homophobe.
Think women & men are innately and fundamentally different? Sexist. Backwards.
Think women should bare part of the responsibility when they are "raped"? Sexist.
Think that today's culture of sex & sexuality degrades the body, mind and soul? Prude.
Express non-"progressive" or non-left leaning libertarian ideas? Narrow-minded.

It's as easy as that. There is barely any complexity when it comes to most modern thought.

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