Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Safe zone or place ... ?

Both, apparently.

Besides the arrogant take-over of the meeting, it goes to show that "oppressed" people really are fools.

I can't. It's too funny The student at the podium "knows" about intimidation because he's, in his own words, a gay student of color at Swarthmore whose "space" was pissed on. Well, if we're going by modern day liberal standards private property is just man-made construct. Deal with it you little bitch. I guess people like the student will always feel intimidated because, well, feelings. Not even in at Swarthmore, a highly ranked and under prestigious institution, where modern liberalism rules can a gay person of color feel "safe."


What a fucking joke.

(This doesn't really discourage me from wanting to get a Phd in, wait for it, sociology.)

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