Which brings me back to Chicago's Pride Parade. As we watched contingent after contingent, float after float, pass by, we could not help but notice the domination of corporate logos. But who were on those floats and marching down the street tossing out corporate paraphernalia to the adoring crowd? Workers, employees and their families and friends. It was another kind of Labor Day parade. Workplace after workplace came together to celebrate the right to be who you are and who you love. When you see Ford workers marching and carrying the Ford banner and wearing their Ford shirts with a UAW logo and a UAW banner in the mix, or Kraft employees or employees of insurance giant AON or sports teams like the Chicago Cubs, Bulls, Sky and Fire, or even Fox Chicago(!) in a jubilant display of upholding equality, you cannot help but realize the corporate logo is just the shell. The real living and breathing creature is these working people, friends, family and community. I did not see any 1 percenters marching or waving the rainbow flag: even if some in that elite group may support LGBT rights, they are inconsequential in forming this mass movement.It rings so hollow, that the saccharine back-patting is oozing out much faster than George Bailey's declaration of family love, of this "be who you are without shame and guilt!" mantra. As someone who's straight I say, "Okay, and?" Where does the self-involvement stop? The 4th of July and patriots celebrate "freedom" while LGBT activists celebrate not the personhood in its maturity, but the personhood in its juvenile state filled with smugness, empty values and circular logic. But I must see it in LGBT activists eyes: They see non-supporters of this parade and same-sex "marriage" as, if they had it their way, domestic terrorists one step to the side - any side - to the Dylan Roogs of the world. While the bitter anti-whites/South deal with the Confederate flag, LGBT activists see that they have triumphed over bigots -- that dust clouds have settled and the sounds of guns have ceased -- they see their side still standing as the bigots wither on the ground.
"We won ... Love Has Won!"
This is what they cry.
Where's the straight-pride float strictly saying "Straight Pride", or "Penis & Vagina: Together Makes a Family" float? Writer Teresa Albano also had to squeeze in a jab at those greedy, evil corporate 1 percenters. Wait, how would she be able to pick the 1 perceneters out? Afterall, 1 percenters look like you and me.
Paul Kengor writes in the AT article
Apart from the general cultural decay, the primary answer lays in unions and their longtime ideological marriage to the Democratic Party: thus their new marriage to gay marriage.
And really, in that sense, this shouldn’t surprise us at all. I’m from Western Pennsylvania, steel country. My relatives and neighbors were union guys. It never ceased to amaze me how the most conservative men you’d ever meet, war vets who loved the Pittsburgh Steelers and their Iron City beer, who were the epitome of masculinity, who were -- in a word -- absolutely not liberals or secular progressives in any way, would nonetheless reflexively pull the lever for the Democrats when their union ordered. Time and time again, they voted against their values.
Obviously, I’ve known exceptions to this, but way too often, this was the norm. One of my cousins once observed to me, jokingly, that union guys would vote for a gay communist if their union told them. Yes, their heroes were John Wayne, George Patton, Clint Eastwood, Mike Ditka, Mean Joe Greene, and Jack Lambert, but they’ll vote for Hillary Clinton if Boss Trumka issues the edict. They’d vote for Bruce Jenner for president if their union demanded.
My mother's stories of her dealings with union members at the hospital, to my general observations of union members, I've slowly concluded this: Unions have a cult-like aspect to them. It's hard to deny what Kengor wrote since I relate to a degree. The union to the members "is a like family." It was one thing to fight for reasonable pay and working conditions, it's another to behave like Igloo-lunch carrying LGBT-esque activists with hard hats. The way unions rally - its chants and its marches - is eerily similar how LGBT activists/supports gather and rally. Wait, maybe because they both need the government and are a target demographics to the Democratic National Committee. That they operate on a "swarm" like psychological bases. Ah, that might explain it.
And so, yes, they’ll march in Gay Pride parades. If boss-man tells them to carry water for gay rights, in solidarity with the liberal-Democrat agenda, they’ll do it. Don’t be surprised to someday pull behind a truck with a UNION, YES! bumper sticker in rainbow colors.
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