Monday, July 27, 2015

I'm smart, you're not. Shut up.

In response to Gavin McGinnis' HuffPo interview.

The "canon" guy is supposedly a doctor and is currently pursuing a J.D. I don't seriously doubt what he says, but how many doctors obtain a J.D.? Yale does have a law program (one can pursue a joint degree in their MD/JD program), but given what he stated it tells me he's getting the J.D. after he completed his M.D. You'd think after obtaining an M.D., about five years of grueling studying then exams, then interning, you'd continue in the practice. Maybe he has a change of heart or just very ambitious/motivated.

And color me not impressed by his posts. I mean, I love that these posters talk a lot  - nothing impressive or anything that would hint towards their "big" degrees - to only flash their diplomas as "Oh, yea well I'm uber smart. You're not."

Given my past encounters with the "canon" types and those who hold degrees from prestigious universities that choose to comment on politics, or even pursue a career in it, I'm leaning that such people are telling the truth about their credentials. They may have the numbers/essays/hook to get in but who cares - they're just intellectual inclined people buying into BS theories and believing whatever their professors tell them. So when these academically inclined people obtain an advance degree - an MBA, a M.D., a J.D, a Phd - they then join the ranks of the intelligentsia. The theories and beliefs they were taught are now being practiced by them in their position of power.

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