Saturday, July 11, 2015

LGBT trolls: proof that the "love that dare not speak" is really a mental disorder.

Here's the "joyous" picture for you to save -

Now, if this was the KKK Roller rolling over blacks, this picture would probably be on MSM and it would be used an example to build the narrative that whites are racists and that the South is a backwards region filled with single-toothed, trucker hat wearing rednecks that makes the (white) modern day liberal cry out, "I absolutely hate this country. I am so embarrassed to be an American!" then all the black modern day liberals will say, "Try being black in America. We have suffered enough!"

Is there a word, like bigot or racist or sexist, that accurately describes a person that holds the sentiments excreting from the picture?

The APA needs to put back homosexuality as a disorder in its books. It's clearly a "love" that makes the person vengeful. 

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