Saturday, July 11, 2015

Something that irritates me.

What is with modern-day liberals being so determined to not discriminate? They have this weird obsessions with "equality."

I typed in google "marry whomever" to see the grammar rules on whomever vs. whoever, and one of the first links was this. As I skimmed over the post then later the links near the top I knew I stumbled upon some paranoid blog. I then quickly read the bio and thought that this guy probably has some personality disorder - then it hit me. This blog was one of the blogs I visited when learning about the much heated issue of the Mark Regenerus study. The writer of the blog was some guy dedicated to end AIDS, and of course he lived in California near the coast. As I perused his page and his links, almost all of this entries were about marriage "equality" and how bigoted conservatives were.

I post many LGBT entries as well so I'm not innocent in that department, but I do so because I find the psychology of the LGBT "community" - the individuals like "Waking Up Now" and those featured on his blogroll, like Holy Bullies and Joe My God - to be messed up in a bitter and fanatical way. They are utterly narcissistic and outright bigoted to anything that is critical of their sexuality and so-called "equality," as ironic as that sounds. In other words, these individuals are straight-up assholes. They revel in the normalization of their sexuality, and the most horrid part is is that they don't care about what they change - just as long as it changes to their wishes.

Ever since this whole same-sex "marriage" issue has been thrust upon the national stage, I can't help but peer into the minds and the thought process of its supports, especially those in the LGBT "community" that support the redefinition of marriage. It's basically all they blog about (pot meets kettle) - and they sure as heck don't like the orthodox religious. 

In other words: I'm irritated, yet fascinated, by the butt-hurt psyches that make up the LGBT "community."

And speaking of things I've come across before, I need to upload that youtube video about Broadway's campaign for same-sex "marriage," starring the Keenan-Bolger siblings that I saw years ago. It was during the time I supported same-sex "marriage" and when it came to one of the Keen-Bolger siblings to talk, a lesbian, she admitted that she doesn't really want to get married, that she just wanted same-sex "marriage" because, well, it's what she wants - it's something she didn't have and now she just wants it available.

Ah, I found it. It's of Maggie Keenan-Bolger.

It's pretty much the standard "half-citizen"/get-LGBT-normalized talk.

UPDATE: After reading about the Keenan-Bolger siblings yesterday I feel that I need to shed some light on them.

There are three siblings, Celia, Maggie and Andrew. Two of them, Celia and Andrew, went to University of Michigan to study performing arts. All siblings are involved in the performing arts to some degree. Two out of the three are homosexuals. The eldest, Celia is married and has one child. I believe she's straight; she's 37 years old. Maggie, the one in the video, is the middle child; she is 31 years old. She's a lesbian whose work in the performing arts mainly focuses on sexuality and what it likes to be an LGBT person - her work outside the theater is mainly dedicated as a "sex educator" dealing with non-traditional sexual orientations. Andrew, 30, is the youngest. He, like Celia, mainly makes his living as a stage performer. He is a homosexual. (Just a year apart, Maggie and Andrew have same-sex attraction ... Interesting.) During the 2012 POTUS election Andrew was a Barack Obama supporter, posting youtube videos urging people to vote for him.

Papa Keenan-Bolger and Mama Keenan-Bolger had three children together. They have one grandchild out of three children. Out of the three children two are homosexuals and the one that is not, well, her ovaries are slowly withering away as the ripe old age of 37. Now Maggie and Andrew can always adopt or Maggie can do in vitro, but that's not the same as actually have sex with the opposite sex and getting pregnant. I doubt that Maggie will ever go through the process of adoption or in vitro; from the video it doesn't seem like she's the type. Andrew also doesn't seem like he has any wishes to "have" kids." Also keep in mind that in order for Maggie and Andrew to "have" kids they would need a third party, a lawyer, every single time; even the living situation of the supposed children would be dramatically different of that of Celia's child -- which was brought into the world the natural way and is growing up in a traditional household when it comes to opposite sex parents. The situation of a child living in a same-sex household, say if Maggie and Andrew ever get "married," is truly a social experiment. One is not like the other.

So one grandchild out of three kids. And the one who does have a child is all for women's "reproductive rights." I wonder if her career was the reason she only had one child, I mean it is the performing arts where - I bet - the average mean of children, amongst performers that are married to the opposite sex, is probably less than 1.5. If I'm anywhere near right, what a barren desert. Then again it is the performing arts where people are naturally proud of their self-involvement when pressed about the topic.

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