Here's the thought process when voting for pro-same-sex "marriage", or, in a very clever way to neutralize it just change pro same-sex "marriage" to "equality":
1. Marriage is a basic human right.
2. Marriage won't be changed, it'll just be expanded.
Well, if the original definition of marriage is one man and one woman, which has been the standard definition of a millennium to sane people, and to expand that to something that is between two people regardless of their sex, then yes, you are changing marriage. It's a distinct change. It goes from one man and one woman to "two people."
What's interesting is that the actress says other ridiculous things such as, "Wherever you stand on this don't be on the fence about this; don't say you don't know; don't be complacent about it. These are peoples lives we have in our hands, um, everyone should be allowed to celebrate that. Let them have that right." Ronan also says earlier in the video that there is no other option but to vote "Yes." I bet there were two options on May 22, 2015 - yes or no.
How can one deny another person, in Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy's mind "dignity," or in many minds like Ms. Ronan's "equality"? It's a bit of a low jab because almost anything can be said to be a right and if one is supposedly denied that right your against "equality." It's a very easy turn of the cards of "shame on you" but once one looks at the matter with a dispassionate eye, if not discerning and honest eye, this "equality" talk is just that, talk. It's shallow. It's emotive claptrap that many modernists point the same finger as Disney movies or other family movies that they would say are too saccharine.
Also in the video are Eamon Farrel - actor Collin Farrel's brother - and Steven Mannion, Eamon's partner. Mannion goes on to speak,
I would remind people that it is so important to come out and vote on the 22nd of May. If you do not vote, your vote will not be counted and you cannot say you voted for equality. You have to come to vote. Don't leave it up to anyone else. Think of the youth growing up today - 14, 15 16 year old LGBT children who are growing up - we need to support them. We need to tell them that it's okay to be who they are. Treat them equally. Please vote on the 22nd of May.I don't doubt the sincerity of Mannion says. Both fellows seem like great guys to spend the night pub crawling, but what Mannion said is a common thought amongst those who are for "equality." They use the "what about the (LGBT) kids" card to appeal to hearts of the undecided, and to make the pro-side even more fervor in their quest. I think many in the LGBT "community" and many who support what Ronan and Mannion believe in, that once same-sex "marriage" is allowed and becomes law of the land that a majority of the insecurities that the LGBT face will evaporate - they are, as Mannion implies, be lifted from shame to being "okay to be who they are."
Now, I'm not for shaming LGBT - I won't chastise a person who has same-sex attraction telling them that they aren't human; I won't spit on them or anything like that. I won't file a police report when I see two people of the same sex holding hands as I walk down the street. I don't want to do any of those nasty things. I will say, if asked about my thoughts on sexuality other than being 100% straight, is that same-sex attraction is a disorder. That's not me saying, "It's not okay to be who you are," - if we're talking about ones sexuality and their heart encompassing their entire self - since I believe that ones sexuality is just one aspect their entire being. I will criticize the attraction - I will not condemn the person.
The only redeeming thing about Ireland's legalization of same-sex "marriage," er, equality, is that is was by referendum. They dug their own graves for themselves, and like what Mannion said they didn't leave it up to anyone else.
The question that is formed in my mind is this: Will such a legalization be the major turning point into making the LGBT feel like "full human beings," as stated by actor George Takei? Will same-sex "marriage" be the breaking of the Berlin Wall for such a demographic? I'm not sure. Next up is the youth, those in elementary and high school - to re-educate them and to make their future kids be the generation that will completely view same-sex attraction as "just another ice cream flavor besides vanilla and chocolate." Will there be any use for "safe spaces" for LGBT on campuses? Would the existence of the annual Pride Parade be questioned and later retired? How about the Pride flag? Since sodomy is equal what's the use of both the Pride Parade and Pride flag?
Until a boy brings home a boy and a girl brings home a girl to the parents, with the parents not blinking an eye to the stranger, acting as if it's a boy introducing their new girlfriend and vice versa, there's much work to be done by social activists. As cheers, hugs and tears were shed on June 26, 2015 in front of the Supreme Court of the US, a social activist said to a journalist, "I think we’re the happiest unemployed people in the country right now."
They'll be picking up their signs, making new ones in fact, in order to change education. They did it with the APA in the 1970s. They did it to change the tide in order for people to support same-sex "marriage." They'll do it again to re-educate the youth.
It goes from so-called "equality" to complete normalization.
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