If non-Americans, if asked on their impressions of Americans in general, and they say they think we're insular because they read or watched something by an American that they deemed as "slightly backwards" or not inclusive, I ask "Compared to what?"
I argue that the US is no more insular than any other Western country.
Wouldn't it be a double standard to claim London is not insular or the country of England is not insular, but inclusive yet they ban conservative thinkers like Rush Limbaugh, give the cold shoulder to then Senator Mitt Romney when visiting, and make a giant blow-up balloon of then President Trump? Should we get into the almost unanimous negative opinion of Donald Trump and "what he represents" (as said by a Londoner)? Wound't it be hypocritical of a Londoner saying that what makes London great is that you can meet different people each day from all walks of life yet deem an American "slightly backwards" because you didn't agree with what he said? Let us not get into cultural relativism where the premise is that differences in one culture does not make is inferior or superior to another - just different. The Londoner would be pulling the rug from underneath his own feet! Indeed, if the Londoner views the American as "slightly backwards" that's a value statement being made - a statement that reaches to an absolute truth - that this belief is "slightly backwards." But by his own modern framework that "slightly backwards" belief is no better or worse than any other culture or belief one would encounter in London on any given day no matter the time or season.
The talks about inclusivity and diversity is just that - talk. It means very little. It does not matter if you can meet people from different backgrounds each day if you yourself do not take advantage of the resources that their culture brings, or better yet get to know them on a personal level. It's all window dressing. Just because you have a university degree doesn't make you smart or wise. Just because you're 18 doesn't make you an actual adult fully capable of discerning "adult decisions." Just because you make "art" doesn't make you insightful, talented or fearless.
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