Friday, September 30, 2022

Secular world and its backwards views on dating, marriage, sex and procreation.

It's assumed that, if not a given, that if you're dating someone that you're also having sex with your significant other. If you're not having sex then that's seen as utterly bizarre and foreign. 

"What do you mean you're not having sex?"

"Your relationship must be so boring."

In great irony the secular world divorces dating with marriage and sex with procreation. If anything, if wanting and succumbing to sexual urges within dating is natural if not okay, then so is seeing dating as one step towards marriage and where procreation is seen as the natural consequence of sex. But that's not the case in the secular world.

Marriage is seen as something only one does in their late twenties - the earliest. Or marriage is optional. Dating is just that - dating and the concept of marriage isn't really orbiting around the concept of dating.

If sex and dating go and in hand, while the idea of marriage is given the hand and kept at a good distance, then at least the idea of procreation is in the back of their minds, right? Yes and no. Non-religious and plenty of Christians know that there's a chance they could get pregnant while dating (we're assuming they're having sex) so they willingly sterilize themselves via artificial birth control. 

All of this to me is obvious and is a broken approach to relationships. This is like people wanting to drink alcohol excessively or suck up some nicotine without getting drunk or get addicted. And those are just the surface negatives of engaging in such soft drugs. Beer bellies, smelly clothes, being dependent on the feeling that nicotine gives you - it's almost as if one is a sex addict and cannot control the urge get off or to engage in sexual intercourse with whomever and weever - they just need to slap some skin and to orgasm. That dopamine effect is what they live for. Pathetic? Yes. Sad. Immensely more so.

To ignore that dating is the natural stepping stone to marriage and that the main purpose of sex is for procreation, to feel uncomfortable when people make such connections isn't the issue with such connections or the person making them - the issue lies with the person being uncomfortable if not disagreeing. When you isolate dating just for romantic and sexual needs you create something that was never meant to be used that way. This the great irony of the modern world. 

This also ties into sodomy and open marriages - using our bodies and societal institutions (given by a divine) in ways they weren't meant to be used. 

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