Monday, September 19, 2022

Shower Thought: Would the passing of Queen Elizabeth spark a movement to make NO mass ACTUALLY reverent AND back the return of the TLM?

Given all the gushing about how the UK is filled with tradition (the monarchy + queen's funeral) in comparison to lame America, and the rise of pathetic boasting of how the constitutional monarchy is fucking amazing to a constitutional republic, American traitors and pompous Brits have responded as one would imagine who has observed modernism.

Will the "eh whatever TLM" types who prefer the NO be swayed to make the NO reverent (I get the feeling they're also traitorous Americans) and would this hot air about tradition be also applied to immense support for the return of the TLM?

Hate to be that guy, but TLM proponents should use this double standards to their advantage and make a hard appeal to tradition and reverence. 

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