Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Catholicism and LGBT+ members.

 I suffer, amongst others things, of the curse of being uncharitable at times.

I will be uncharitable right now.

Given how many outreach programs saying how nice Catholics need to be to the LGBT+ all the while saying but not saying that same-sex attraction isn't a disorder you'd think they'd get the point that, yes, the Catholic Church - and science - is right that same-sex attraction is, indeed, a disorder.

Not even Black Americans, who have historically suffered discrimination that was more severe and constant, would need this type of constant affirmation and coddling. But no, at least not at the level of LGBT+.

I see this all the time mental health circles as well. 

"Being gay isn't a disorder."

Treats gay people like fragile sheep. 

Gay people constantly displaying they suffer from various disorders found in the DSM. 

"Yea, totally fine here!"

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