Monday, September 19, 2022

Using Ayn Rand to put in perspective nudity and sex scene in mainstream tv & film

 "Art (including literature) is the barometer of a culture. It reflects the sum of a society’s deepest philosophical values: not its professed notions and slogans, but its actual view of man and of existence." - Ayn Rand

So what does accepting, if not celebrating, nudity and sex scenes in mainstream tv and film tell us about society and what it holds dear?

That's a loaded question, eh?

From mindless nudity in tv and film comedies, to gay/lesbian/bi make-out scenes, to sex scenes that don't add anything to the plot in "serious" dramas, my interpretation is that producers, directors and even actors justify nudity "as normal" but they never really expand on this besides "it happens in real life." Well, I piss and shit in real life too. Why even have an actual script and just follow the actors around as they do improve - much more "real" than each actor have dedicated lines. What they don't tell you that nudity and sexual acts on screen is innately voyeuristic in nature. They have little to no respect for the flesh or the act of sex itself since 99% of all nudity associated with sex scenes are premarital sex acts. 

Politics is downstream from culture and the politics, or lack of politics, surrounding nudity and sex scenes tells us were the culture is. The (secular) culture is nothing transcendent. It is trash. Smut. All the best camera work, color palettes, costume and set design, sound experts and makeup artists cannot turn a pig into a civilized, dignified upright citizen. A pig is still a pig that goes "oink! oink!" that prefers to eat out of a trough. 


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