Friday, September 9, 2016

If it shows up on google with much hate, I might like it.

Phyllis Schlafly. Tomi Lahren.

The first met with absolute hate by The Left and the second becoming the female Glenn Beck thanks to viral videos.

When I type in Cenk Uygur I'm met with some respectable results - him meeting with Seth Myers and doing an "hilarious reenactment of his dinner with Bernie Sanders." This is a man who just recently had an outburst at the RNC convention.

The pathetic part is that, after Lahren criticized Colin Kapernick, SJWs or BLMs members managed to find her home address and threaten to attack her. Who does that? Extremists and fascists. They see a target on Lahren's back, easy prey, because she's opinionated and outspoken. Plus, with the power of social media the tactics of The Left can work their magic and slowly intimidate her.

So yes, I think I like Phyllis Schafly and Tomi Lahren. I just placed a hold on Schafly's A Choice Not An Echo at my local library. I think Lahren, though not as sharp in her critique as Lauren Southern, is a great asset to conservatives. Yes, even the conservakins have a place in fighting modernity. And she's mightily attractive as well -

So if The Left celebrates a death, I'll look into it. If The Left hates a certain political pundit (O' Reilly, Kelly, Beck, Levin, Lahren), I might give them a listen.

If The Left hates them they're doing something right (no pun).

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