Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The annoying bits of the alt-right.

By Reader on Social Matter -
 “Richard John Neuhaus, the founder of First Things magazine, was a thoroughgoing Murrayite Catholic. A dyed in the wool conservative…”
Do you know anything about the history of American conservatism?
John Neuhaus was originally part of the Rockford Institute but left and, with a bunch of ((( neocon ))) funding, started First Things. First Things has always been a major neocon publication.
More recently, First Things has become even worse, often advocating for the Third World immigration invasion of the West.
But I guess that is not out of character for Catholics, since Pope Frankie also supports the Third World invasion of the West. Second to Jews, The Catholic Church more than any other religion advocates for the 3rd world invasion of the West.
To hell with these people. I was Catholic but left when I saw how anti-Western the Church has become. If you look at long-term demographic trends, within 50 years the Catholic Church will almost exclusively be a jungle religion.
. . . .
Here’s a NY Times piece on the Neuhaus/neocons vs paleocons dispute:
Eventually Neuhaus and the neocons went around to every major donor and asked them to stop funding paleocon publications. Neuhaus told them that the paleocons were all xenophobes / racists / anti-semites.
Just looked at First Things website again — hadn’t looked it in a while — and it is so cucked. I feel like I have an STD from even visiting the site.
There's that word again "cuck." I don't mind the word being used just that's been overused and by people like Reader who are more "shallow right" who treat their faith as if it's "just another institution" of the world. It's not. People have their reasons for "leaving" the Church but for the most part I have found them with  good dose ridiculousness.

More clues that Reader is more political than he is a faithful Catholic, if he ever was one and not just a "Catholic-because-my-dad-was-one" - "Pope Frankie." Yea, I think Pope Francis a poor leader, vague in his rhetoric, but one man does not make the Church and the Catholic Church's stance (#2 should go before #1, or at least have some sort of an amendment to #1) on immigration - on paper - is not entirely to my liking.

 I have faint memory of any controversial piece on First Things about immigration, but it seems like there's a variety of thoughts on the subject matter.

And, again, to highlight -
If you look at long-term demographic trends, within 50 years the Catholic Church will almost exclusively be a jungle religion.
I'm not entirely sure what he means by "jungle religion" but if it means the demise of the Catholic Church then I bet Reader will be one of those bitter people who are like ex-city dwellers that moved to a more suburban area and relish in the city's decay (they mostly complain about the taxes). Strange folks. The pathology is an interesting one.

Newsflash to Reader: The Catholic Church can't read your mind on more political issues that are outside its realm of expertise. Then again the Church might be off without the likes of you; you never wanted it succeed and do not think it's transcendent.

Even more telling the mention of Neuhaus was just a few paragraphs in the entire article, focusing on the man's liberalism. So-called Catholics like Reader tend to have the same stripe: cherry-picking a part and using it as a therapeutic session.

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