Sunday, July 2, 2017

"You're a racist!"

PLACE: Youtube comment section.Video about suburban life in the 1950s. Family shown is white.

Comment 1: This was when America was great! MAGA!

Comment 2: Yea, if you were white,  male and heterosexual.

Comment 3. This video isn't about race.

Comment 2: It's about the 1950s.

Comment 3: It is, but you're basically making it into something that it isn't.

Comment 2: Are you denying the fact that blacks didn't have rights before the Civil Era?

Comment 3: I'm not denying it, but why bring it in here? My parents aren't white and they're doing fine.

Comment 2: Good for your family. But plenty of minorities suffered from discrimination before Civil Rights laws were passed in the 1960's and even after that.  Ask them what life was like in the 50s. Ask the people who marched and fought for civil rights what it was like. Get your head out of your ass. Just because life was good for you doesn't mean it was good for everybody.

Comment 4: In life-your outcome is directly related to your effort. Plenty of brown skinned individuals thrive in life. They made wise choices, they pushed themselves to the next level. Prime example, Dr. Ben Carson, admirable. hard working, aimed for excellence & achieved it!! The south was & still is a different situation. We have laws to protect everyone.

Comment 2: The south does now. But back in the 50s that wasn't the case. That's the point I tried to make that some people just don't get.

Comment 3: lol telling me to get my head outa my ass when I'm not the one living the in the past. That's the MO of your kind - play the "but the 1950s" and "muh Civil Rights" cards like it just happened a decade ago. Why don't you find a black man and ask him about the 1950s, a black that's over the age of 65. The 1950s is like the boogeyman man decade for you race baiters. Shit, you should be indignant about the shootings in Chicago. More blacks are dead by their own kind than by the white man in that city. Your sorry ass is brainwashed that you look at history in a narrative/thematic way that you're unable to approach it dispassionately. 

Comment 2: Um, this is the comment section for a video ABOUT the 1950s which is why I've been talking about the 1950s. And black people in the 1950s had to fight for basic civil rights that white people took for granted. That's a FACT and part of our history whether you like it or not.

Comment 3:  It's about the lifestyle middle class 1950s, not about blacks and inequality of the 1950s. That's a fact. You commenting about civil rights in a video that has mostly nothing to do with it shows your cards of that of someone fixated on race who pathetically begrudges the decade. You might as well complain about WWII while you're at it and how Japanese-Americans were put in camps.

"That's a FACT and part of our history whether you like it or not."

Ah, the original sin of America: slavery, Jim Crow laws and racism. Hey, Skylark, get the fuck over it. The FACT doesn't sway me to adopt your mentality. In fact, I out grew it a few years ago. Now if the video commented on how everyone was happy, marriages were amazing, and there was little to no racism then I'd probably object to it, but the video said non of those things. Your facts, again, have little to do with what's being portrayed in the video. You hijacked it to shove your race bullshit here while appealing to emotions in the name of "facts." Here's a fact from the 1950s: women were mostly stay at home moms. My brown mom doesn't give two shits. But maybe some rapid feminist will, like the "concerned" Skylark does with race. #MAGA #FuckSJWs #FuckBLM

Comment 2:  I didn't hijack anything. My first comment was that life could be great in the 1950s if you were white and middle-class, which is what the video is about.  You're the one who's hijacked the discussion with your rants about race baiting and black crime. But seeing your hashtags clarifies everything so I'll consider the source and not waste any more of my time trying to argue with a racist.  Life's too short.

Comment 3:  Ya, you did hijack. You're trying hard to say, "No you're the one who did it, meanie!" A pathetic attempt to paint me as a race baiter ... Do you even know what that is? You turned the video about race. The video wasn't about race nor did it even mention it. Who's the race baiter again?

"But seeing your hashtags clarifies everything so I'll consider the source and not waste any more of my time trying to argue with a racist. Life's too short."

So you're the kind who covers his ears, shuts his eyes and says, "I'm not listening! Nah nah nah nah!" It's highly ironic you shut your brain off when you see these: #MAGA #FuckSJWs #FuckBLM But hey, I'm a "racist." And you're right, life's short - you can't start thinking critically about history or question SJW's or BLM, because that'll be "racist" and we can't have that now.

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