Sunday, September 18, 2022

In defense of actors who have done nudity & sex scenes.

The script, more or less, is the Bible on set. It is doctrine. 

If there are no sex scenes, implied or explicit, or no scenes with nudity then the actors remained clothed. That's it. The producers always find ways to sexual a female character if given the chance. Producers tend to be sharks who, if they smell a drop of blood, will charge. 

Even if the scene doesn't involve explicit nudity, for example see-through lingerie or actors in underwear, given the nature of tv and film, whether in dramas or comedies, that's a wide enough door for anyone who's involve on what happens in front of the screen to rationalize nudity.  One example would be Emma Stone who insisted on being topless in a scene after implied sex/intimacy in The Favourite even though the script did not depict it. For this we can only look towards the actor for literally putting themselves in that sad, awkward situation.

Directors and screenwriters - don't put your actors in situations that degrade them even if it's "consensual" and even if the actors are of legal age. No sex scenes and no nudity written in the script usually results in no nudity. Don't believe me? See films directed by Christopher Nolan and M. Night Shyamalan. Many of the most beloved films do not have nudity or sex scenes at all. 

Many of Wes Anderson's films don't feature nudity, and if there is nudity it's usual non-sexual manner; but if there is - for titillation sake - it's usually with actors who have done explicit nudity (damaged goods) in the past or are relatively new to film acting (exploit the heifer). Arguably most of Anderson's nudity don't add much to the plot or character, so he is no exception to the rule. 

The actors are merely receivers of the script. Whatever the script dictates they say and do, for the most part. Actors are yes men and women. Give them orders that showcases their acting ability - not their skin because that's not acting. That's what strippers are for. That's something else - and it ain't art. Actors aren't nude models too in such cases - no one's freezing the frame to draw their bodies. Instead, they're collecting them and masturbating to their nudity. 

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