Monday, July 13, 2015

You plebs, I'm a professor!

As I said in previous posts, modern day liberals are adventurous folks when it comes to comboxes. Never in my life, as I engaged in online discussion, have I seen a more condescending group filled with out-right contempt. Not event the threads I've read on Stormfront came close to the bitterness I've felt coming from modern day liberals. Depending on the topic, there's at least one of them spewing whatever cliches and strawmen at the opposition.

My discover today is no different. This time it's by a supposed professor at a prestigious US university. (How come I am not impressed.)

Let's get started. Enter poster "Bubba Frito" on AT article about the topic of separation of church & state.

It sounds to me that Bubba, by his tone, wants revenge for the years of religion being in the public square - where it doesn't belong in his eyes.

So Professor Frito succumbs to tired old cliches that are in the arsenal of leftists. At first I thought, "Yea, sure, you're a 'professor' at a prestigious university," due to embarrassing sophomoric name-calling and jabs. This poster possibly couldn't be a professor at a university, let alone be a holder of a doctorate (in the social sciences, I presume), but then I reflected on how people with Phds dealt with controversial issues when dealing with a conservative opposition. See the following:

Mark Savage vs Harvard professor.

Gavin Mcinnis on HuffPo Live panel talking about microaggression and feminism.

Here's the academic bio of Mary Anne Franks, a University of Miami Law professor, shown in the video.

J.D. 2007 Harvard Law School
D.Phil 2004 Oxford University
M.Phil 2001 Oxford University
B.A. 1999 Loyola University

That's an impressive academic pedigree; she attended Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. Who else is a Rhodes Scholar that were beloved by the MSM, managing to get jobs as political pundits? Two people, actually. Rachel Maddow and Ronan Farrow. Maddow fits their LGBT quota and Farrow their quasi-celebrity quota. Both Maddow & Farrow, especially Farrow, would fit right in NYC's social elite.  

I know that a casual panel isn't really a fine way of judging the supposed brilliancy of Franks' law acumen, but would've been more interesting if they invited an established feminist blogger or English professors focusing on female literature - something like that. Everything she said has been said by your garden variety modern day feminists blogger who don't have nearly the academic credential that Franks has.Why bring on a law professor to talk about feminism? Though she does teach law, her research focusing on "cyberlaw, self-defense, bias, free speech, and privacy," that description is a bit misleading. If I were a student of hers I'd think I'd be learning how to defend clients and form arguments in defense of people whose privacy has been violated - be it stolen patents online or social security numbers stolen via cyberspace. Nope. Not even close. Many of her published articles would make you think she was a lawyer presenting mostly women clients against rape or she's a Gender Studies professor. Ms. Franks is a law professor spewing her Scripture by eager and impressionable minds at Miami.

Many of her more recent articles & talks (2013-onward) have focused on issues popular in America's mainstream news which, of course, ties-in together due to her interests.What's even more interesting are topics under "Independent Studies" listed in her CV. These include same-sex "marriage" and same-sex adoption. I would guess she in favor of Obergefell v. Hodges and wants to help push their "rights" to adopt, or least influence court decision and academia. If I'm guessing right all of this points back to one of her courses taught at Miami Law: Family Law. And, like any good naive philosophy student, she's giving a presentation at Skeptic 8. Her talk is called "Fighting Fundamentalism." 

Other courses she teaches are Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure. It's no mystery that Franks is a leftist. I mean, she's a modern day feminist - given her partaking in Skeptic 8 a non-believer - so her subscribing to many leftist concepts when it comes to sexuality, family, art and the criminals (sympathetic) is practically a given. I'll sum up her overall thought that is taught in her courses in her Criminal Law and Procedure courses: The judiciary system is racist and people of color aka blacks are unfairly sentenced, profiled and given fines much greater than their white counterparts. I could be absolutely wrong on this assumption but I have a feeling I'm on the mark.

Her dissertation during her Oxford years, entitled, "Enjoying Women: Psychoanalysis, Sex, and the Political” while exploring continental philosophy (ethics), psychoanalytic theory, gender theory, political theory. I'm actually afraid to read it. Then again, as a person who is relatively good as figuring out a modern liberal's mind, I wouldn't be surprised if her dissertation was critical of how women were treated sexually and that she called for a more "equal" sexual standard for women in order for them to freely express their sexuality, letting go and finally burying the archaic and supposed oppressive standard held by many in the Western civilization.

Besides those research interests, she has a fascination online porn. As I quickly skimmed her articles and talks, I noticed she wrote a lot about porn, so I did word search. I typed in "porn" and was met with  98 entries. That's a lot of entries. You'd think she'd open a shelter for ex-female porn stars, or I don't know, maybe share her findings with them. Nope. She is a director for a civil rights group, though. I'm not sure what she does as the director, what her responsibilities and how many hours of the week she puts in, but it's a fancy title and it makes her look "legit."

Let's focus on Franks employment record.

Just by the timeline of her degrees, Franks has had no break in academia. She went straight to Oxford for her masters, to later stay for a doctorate in Modern Languages and  Literature. After her time in England she then entered Harvard Law School; law school takes about three years, so her 2007 graduation date seems to indicate she had no private employment between her Oxford and Harvard years. Her employment mainly consisted of being a Fellow and being a teaching assistant, later securing a tenured track at University of Miami and a position as a director for a civil rights organization.

What we have is a person with degrees from the finest institutes of higher education who dabbles in theory - theory that really question me to think, "Do you really need a Phd for that?" - teaching future lawyers about law even though most of her writings, be it academic or mainstream, and talks, have little to do with her courses being taught. Students of hers will then be practitioners of whatever they are taught in the classroom. Franks focuses her energy researching and writing on somewhat bizarre topics so I'm mightily curious on that plays into her teachings.

As a handful of posters said about the video, "Her law students are f_cked!" Yes and no. Yes, because they have a great chance of wasting their money on possible required classes taught by Franks, and no because the system is being built for students like them: Lawyers who represent the liberal side of the law who then might become judges, who then favor ridiculous laws and fines that put social conservatives and non-government lovers against the wall.

But the academic world really likes her kind: She's a leftist. Though she teaches law, she's not really a "lawyer" (she never practiced, so technically she was never one in the first place). If we take her CV into full account, she's more of a feminist/gender theorist with a Harvard law degree and an Oxford doctorate in literature, using that as cloak to disguise her as some sort of legitimate academic scholar. Unlike Mark Regenerus, you know, the embarrassment of Texas' sociology department. Gosh, what a bigot! What an academic fraud!

How much is tuition per year for a first year law student at Miami? For the 2015-2016 year it costs $47, 774. Within that tuition you have access to Mary Anne Franks as a professor teaching family and criminal law. 

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