Friday, August 7, 2015

Abortion when under certain situations.

One thing I have not heard much about, when it comes to reasons for abortions - besides the rape, dangerous child birth and incest situations - is aborting a baby when physical abnormalities, genetic disorders (down syndrome), or - one day, non-straightness, can be detected. Physical abnormalities and genetic disorders, at least in the cast of down syndrome, can be detected months before the final four weeks. If a non-straight gene is found, and there are some studies that show non-straights have some sort of larger gland in their brain - once that becomes definitive 'proof', it would be perfectly fine - without much controversy - to abort a baby who isn't straight.

Now the defense for aborting a baby with physical abnormalities or genetic disorders is that the compassion is directed towards not wanting that human to live a life of mocking and hardship. Well, despite the current social shift towards same-sex "marriage" and the acceptance of non-straights when they "come out" to their parents, there still seems to be an insecurity of non-straights that isn't really found in straights. There is still is a stigma - innate really - when it comes to non-straights and them walking hand in hand with their partner in public.

I'll paint this scenario. Let's say I have a child, and that there is medical technology and knowledge of science has expanded that onr can detect a child's sexuality early within its development. If abortion is legal, where morality has absolutely no place in it, just a women's choice to choose either to abort  or to have the baby, then the mother has every right to abort the child if it's not straight - if she so chooses to for whatever reason. If I embrace "choice" and body sovereignty to its logical conclusion, and with advancement of technology growing every year, with science expanding its knowledge on the human mind and body, then there will come a point where "surprises" are only surprises because of not using medical technology and current science to know almost everything about ones baby before it's birth.

So, LGBT people: You're fair game, if there is no law that protects you in this case, to abort if there ever comes a time where medical technology & discovery ever advances to a Gattaca like plain.

After all, if ever a law to protect babies who are shown to have same-sex attraction comes into existence, then it proves that, indeed, the LGBT, is a protected class due to their sexuality - a sexuality, if they aren't bisexual, produces nothing and their relationships give nothing of substance back to society.

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