Saturday, August 1, 2015

Christians who badger.

Christians who badger (insists on why, after generous explanations with charitableness, homosexuality is a state of disorder and to engage is to do wrong; says the Church is wrong even after many have given wisdom when compared to supporters for change) why the Catholic Church does not allow same-sex "marriage" on CAF have turned out to be two of the following (with overlap possible).

(1) Socially liberal
(2) Have same-sex attraction

"catholic1seeks," as one can see from his profile message board, started off reasonable and now has turned into a "the-Church-is-wrong" type. His rise of butt-hurt for the Catholic teaching  that engaging in same-sex acts is sodomy is wrong can be explained by him being a homosexual.

To not judge a book by its cover (though to judge) I wasn't too much surprised given his avatar of himself. It was, um, rather "gay." I'm not sure how to explain it but my "gaydar" beeped.

Then there's the Lutheran "Thorolfr."

I thought this poster was just expressing his disagreement due to different beliefs between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran church, but as it turns out he's a homosexual as well.

There are few socially liberal Catholics on CAF - and not really surprisingly they work in fields like (school) psychology - and the atheists/agnostics/humanists on the forum also have strongly batted for same-sex "marriage" and have used the "the Catholic Church is in the minority on this issue, so please stop your ruckus and say you're wrong" card.

There are posters like "Darryl Revok" who just say stuff that has such poor awareness that it should be posted under "Stufff atheists/agnostics/humanists/"Physicalism"ists/liberal-Christians say."

Because communism was totally awesome. I hear China is getting a huge amounts of people wanting to migrate there for a new life and to raise their kids under the amazing communistic system that China holds.

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