Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Trump had denounced the white nationalist alt-right sect.

Now I don't think Trump has a good grasp on what the alt-right actually is and what it entails, the good and the bad.

Regardless, it's a good thing he has done this because ethno-nationalists like Richard Spencer, and all the anti-Semites have been given a clear message: thanks for the support, glad you voted for me, but we gotta cut the cord.

I'll admit, I'm somewhat sympathetic to the whole white identity thing, understanding their realization that America is being flooded with immigrants with academia and the media smiling quietly as it happens. After VP Biden said that whites being the minority is a good thing, seeing multiculturalism as a peak of progressiveness, I understand their feelings of betrayal. In some way The Left created the white nationalism sect of the alt-right.

With that said, Spencer totally fucked up when he included "Hail Trump!" As one youtube comment puts it - "Alt-right is over for a white identity group because of a bunch of stupid LARPing autistic retards doing the Nazi salute while the media is filming." The fact that the whole white identity branch is rather cringeworthy to begin with it never was going to pick up real steam anyways.

I just find it a little funny, this whole event. White nationalists like Spencer were so excited about Trump's election only to shoot themselves in the foot 13 days later.

"I guess Trump wasn't our guy after all....." one white nationalist puts it after learning about the President-Elect's dismissal of them. He never was.

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