…Here is the thing about your non-prescription glasses. They are something you like to wear, just like I love wearing converse sneakers and skinny jeans. There is no rule anywhere that says you have to be squinty and near-sighted in order to perch plastic frames atop your nose. If someone comes up to you and says, “God, you are such a stupid with those fake glasses,” just choose one of the following retorts:It was written over two years ago, but the defense is nothing new from what I've come across when I researched this trend of fake eye glasses in the name of personal fashion, self-esteem and the ultimate: expression (which ties into personal fashion).
a) “Yeah, you’re right…” {take them off, punch yourself dramatically in the eye, squint off into the distance, place glasses back atop your nose}
b) “It’s so funny you say that, because I was just thinking about how important your shirt collar is in helping you function in society.”
c) “Dannielle wears fake glasses and Kristin thinks it’s totally fine and Kristin knows everything.”
d) “I actually create miniature sculptures using cedar wood and a jigsaw, and these protect my eyes from the wood chippings.”
Any way you slice it, you have every right to love glasses and you have every right to wear whatever the hell you want. Go get those glasses and rock ‘em out.
To step away from the defensive tone of the quote, I'd like to say it comes to little surprise that such a pathetic defense is also coupled with the reality that the writer, Kristen, is also the author of book called Everyone Is Gay. I just find this, well, amusing, given my past posts on the subject of homosexuality.
Then there's Dannielle:
Wear whatever you want, and do whatever you need to in order to feel cool and comfortable. We all wanna feel cool… you know?Feelings.
Here as well:
And also, I just cannot imagine someone who needs real glasses getting upset about someone wearing “fake” ones cause glasses can be and often are a fashion statement”With the hashtag #ThisOurBook a strong sense of entitlement and insecurity resides deep within these two women. I guess the root of the responses offered by both these women are rooted in feelings. Mah Feelings. The book is written in order to help others feel better. Wearing fake glasses is worn in order to make one feel better. Dear God my generation is narcissistic and emotionally fragile as heck.
Oh boy. I should watch myself - I'm becoming insensitive.
Nah. I'd rather be a prick in this situation.
Now on to Kristin's defense and my response to them:
a) Punching yourself in the eye, therefore causing your eyesight to become blurry won't be fixed with fake glasses. Why? Because they're fake and you never needed them in the first place. You'd need an ice pack to help the swelling go down. Common Sense, dear Kristin.
b) Comparing a shirt collar to a eye glasses is a faulty comparison. For the most part there isn't a trend where people are wearing "fake" collars to look good or to make them feel better. A collar is practically PART of a shirt.
c) I doubt it.
d) Wear a protective glasses that actual wood sculptures wear. You know, the real thing. It's like me trying to reenact a Bonobos winter photo shoot wearing a $300 sweater while I cut down a tree for the fireplace -- it makes me look like a f_ckin tool. (Please excuse my French.)
Yes, Kristin and those who wear fake glasses, for whatever reason, you people are posers.
I wear real glasses because I need them in order to see. If I don't I won't be able to drive, to read a book without straining my eyes and to do other everyday tasks. Others who don't need them? They wear them for ... wait for it ... wait ... for ... it ...fashion (and to increase their otherwise low self-esteem). Fashion.
Is it okay if I decide to take interest in my own sex for "emotional" reasons even though I'm not bisexual? Why not? I wonder what the reactions would be if I confessed that the reason I'm dating my own sex is because I think it's "cool" and it makes me "feel better." Hmmm.
"Cause I like them."

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