Thursday, September 25, 2014

Civil Disobedience is Patriotism

Or it's just stupid bitches whose emotions got the best of them. They're probably the same people who say "My hormones got the best of me and that's why we had sex." Heart & Feelings. What a combo. I can see unicorns and rainbows in the distant, with a pot of gold and a leprechaun at the end dancing.


In Colorado students from numerous suburban high schools protest ... not because their schools are being closed down, in defense of a favorite teacher caught in some legal battle or for seemingly unfair wages given to public teachers, but because a "conservative" school board wants to foster patriotism and implement materials in the curriculum.

According to the article -
 A new conservative school board majority here in the Denver suburbs recently proposed a curriculum-review committee to promote patriotism, respect for authority and free enterprise and to guard against educational materials that “encourage or condone civil disorder.” In response, hundreds of students, teachers and parents gave the board their own lesson in civil disobedience.
Now Colorado is a state that spearheaded the legalization of marijuana, so I"m not too surprised of the state's young adults getting all riled up for this, but I cannot help give a

                                              I see you Greta Gerwig. I see you.

This is some funny shit. Really.

I'll take a guess and say that by "civil disorder" the board meant riots, like Detroit race riots and the Ferguson riots. I'd be less of an ass if the protests were critical the anti-civil disobedience part, but they went full retard and attacked the entire proposal. My understanding is that the board never implied to censor the shadows of America.

But apparently this one student did jump to such a conclusion -

It’s gotten bad,” said Griffin Guttormsson, a junior at Arvada High School who wants to become a teacher and spent the school day soliciting honks from passing cars. “The school board is insane. You can’t erase our history. It’s not patriotic. It’s stupid.”
And this -
Leighanne Grey, a senior at Arvada High School, said that after second period, a student ran through the halls yelling, “The protest is still on!” and she and scores of her classmates got up and left.
She said that learning about history, strife and all, had given her a clearer understanding of the country.
“As we grow up, you always hear that America’s the greatest, the land of the free and the home of the brave,” she said. “For all the good things we’ve done, we’ve done some terrible things. It’s important to learn about those things, or we’re doomed to repeat the past.”
Always? Not really. I was once one of these "Gah, America ... such a horrid country!" but that was when I considered myself a liberal. I then reflected and realized that the chant of "America is the best" isn't as ubiquitous as my naive mind, and Ms. Grey's, seem to believe. But this all very common when it comes to America's youth; what is quoted in the NYT isn't anything revealing. In fact, the "America is a horrid country" was far more common, in my circles at the time, than any swells of patriotism.

As for repeating the past: What incidents? Iraq War? Cold War? Civil War? Is gay the new black (it isn't)? Can't go back to the oppressive 1950s (though no accounts of how horrid it was ever surfaced in my experience)? Seriously, what past? What specific time and what specific attitude?

I'll guess, again. I'll guess that Ms. Grey wants no wars. That "human rights" means abortion on demand & "Miss Independent" as opposed to the 1950s (apparently that decade was horrible decade for women), same sex "marriages" (gay "is" the new black), that there would be no (negative) judgments ("Don't you judge me for my poor life decisions and my sleeping around!), that America, as a whole, would be much more like Europe socially as opposed to its current boring and conservative self (ask comedian Russell Brand who think s MSNBC is conservative.)

It's the same BS emotive talk that modernists use ever single time an "injustice" happens.  

It would've been interesting if any of the students or parents said that implementing patriotic materials would be propaganda. I think that would be an interesting discussion. They'd have a far more solid case for the bitching and "power to the people" if they came at it from that angle.

This also brings up what should be taught in schools -- I read (somewhere, too lazy to track and link the sources) that the state of Massachusetts started to promote homosexuality as a normal thing to kids in elementary schools. I know that the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) pushed for sex education starting at preschool, or at least some sort of sexual "education." Because, ya know, when I was in preschool I wanted to penetrate little Susie and we'd hold each other after a heated role in the sack behind the sandbox as she smoked weed in her afterglow. (I'm kidding.) 

 These are the times where I'm thankful I did not attend a public school.

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