Thursday, July 21, 2022

Hate-Following By Non-Republicans on Social Media: Tumblr, Media and Academia Made Millennials and Gen Z Hate The Privileged (And Republicans)

Because backwards politics on sex and sexuality, gender, race and whatever.

And something about privilege and them being (usually) white. 

Lately I've did some lazy binge watching on YouTube, just clicking on whatever pops up on my recommendation feed. A couple of channels were from wealthy young women who focused on what is called "lifestyle" - so everyday stuff, usually about travel and fashion. In general, to accumulate a following if you aren't doing anything that makes you stand out you most likely have to be pretty in order to get attention; this is no secret. A likable personality works in your favor too (fair enough). For example, if your channel is a mishmash of cooking and lifestyle (or food/fashion challenges) - all topics which have been done, but you aren't really good at either of them, then that's where looks and personality comes. Editing is godsend since that's like a college counselor making your otherwise bereft resume look like you're some all-star when you're really not. Anyways. 

If you're wealthy you do get more attention, but this attention is more of the envious kind. And this is where it gets interesting. This where "hate-following" comes in.

There were two young women that I quickly watched, one where after a few videos of quick skimming just didn't catch my interest enough to even care what she had to say; real quickly I did notice that she was privileged in the "travel and not really have a 'real' job'" sorta privilege way - living in NYC after college and was a model after high school. Modeling isn't really a longtime career for many who enter - usually it's a two or three years - and then sometimes they're attached to a similar industry for their annual income (whether acting or marketing or working at an agency). I wondered if anyone noticed the same thing, so naturally I googled this person with "reddit" attached to the search and found that, yes, other people had an opinion on her. And some of it was the usual SJW/Woke rhetoric.

"She's privileged."

"Most of her friends are not white."

"She tries to 'pass as white' despite only a quarter of her is Iranian!"

"Isn't it funny she's dating a Republican?" (I guess because she's part Iranian.)

"She keeps reminding people she was born in Paris. She's a missionary baby!"

Her parents apparently were Christian missionaries where she was born overseas, but if you were born overseas in that situation then it's less cool supposedly and "authentic" unlike, I dunno, being born to parents who are naturalized citizens of X or Y Western European country, where your mother was a ballet dancer and your father was socialist activist, and  you moved around every five or so years - some upbringing that some leftie artist or professor flexes about in their biography. 

On r/blogsnark, a reddit subreddit dedicated gossip about online personalities, a woman named Carly apparently did some collaboration with the Bush daughters (daughters of George W. Bush). This isn't cool in the predominately female, leftie leaning and thickheaded gossip followers that hang out in r/blogsnark. After this comment literally stupidness emerged and the can of worms of politics entered the chat. Some were defending the Bush sisters and their mother, saying they seem like reasonable people who acknowledge their "evil" father. Others were just plain delirious on the topic. One person recognized the insanity of it - where the insanity almost blamed them for their familial connection to GWB - and simply asked what in their mind they should do to appease them. As usual, like the college campus BLM demands, when asked what they want usually the demand is quite tame. In this the response was -

"They should at least distance themselves from their father."

Rather absurd. If you don't publicly denounce GWB then you're compliant in the questionable policies he has passed. 

You see, the histrionics of SJW/Leftie retards on the internet is quite impressive. They have a gift to ramble by compiling a novel of talking point after talking point, but, in reality, they don't hav much substance. They yell and throw a fit but once you ask a direct question like "well what do you want to happen?" they'll reply with a quiet "well you see if they just apologized and did this and that then that would be a start ... "

A mouse who acts like a lion.

These screen caps tell the story -

So I guess Democrats are cool parents where their kids get off scotch free. I mean, let's face it, Malia Obamas didn't get into Harvard purely on her academic and extracurricular brilliance. She got in because of who her parents were. Wouldn't be surprise if University of Michigan's acceptance for Sasha was in the bag too. But Obama was so cool and rad, despite doing drone strikes. Besides literally re-starting the racial tension we see today that made Democrat blacks in the Trump Era fragile. Ever read Michelle Obama's senior thesis while at Princeton? It was shit. 

Double standard. Paranoia. The typical douchebaggery from non-Republicans. 

I'm not a Republican, but this type of behavior isn't new. It's just amplified on the internet. In real life I know a few people who despise the fact that anyone they know is a Republican. One said she'd never date a Republican. This same person also came across as a person who knew every non-progressive NGO as if to keep on eye on them. Normal functioning humans, but their psychology is sorta kinda messed up when it comes to their own politics and anything that runs the opposite direction of it. It's a weird mix of a secular religion and tribalism. 

Bottomline: If you're anything remotely privileged in terms of wealth and upbringing where you travel, have nice clothes and have anything remotely conservative affiliated to your name (or in the case of Carly, associate with yourself with anything politically right-of-center), or you yourself are conservative as well you're going to be the target of many jealous and hateful young women. These same people will probably fawn over rich actors though who most likely have a career because of whom their parents are but hey, rich, white YouTube influences are just source of our problems in todays world, right? 

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