Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Are you "okay" now?

Since same-sex "marriage" is now law of the land, the White House doused in the LGBT colors, as well as other cities coloring their buildings with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple (my eyes tell me it's purple, since violet is a lighter shade) does that relieve all the supposed shame a person with same-sex attraction feels?

So no more Pride Parades, no need to "come out" to parents -just need to show up with at your parent's house with the member of your own sex hand in hand - no biggie, no need for LGBT support groups at college campuses and businesses like E & Y. There would be no need for celebrities to come out either in a magazine interview or on a stage like The Human Rights event held annual. Right? I would guess that the ruling is the acknowledgement that such a demographic wanted; I take that the ruling is the answer that will forever heal the wounds and heartaches that is felt within the LGBT "community." It is the recognition that was so dearly wanted - the solution and the "settling" of your dignity, as a full human being.

C'mon. Someone that falls underneath any of the letters that is LGBT, please comment.

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