Saturday, February 20, 2016

Meet Sylvia Killingsworth.

As you can see this tweet was created on December 15th. I suppose the holiday spirit was in well use in her life at that time.

Now if she's saying physically men are weak, I'd say that's blatantly false. Men in general are stronger than women. Mentally they're even smarter than women, but the saving grace is that there are more stupid men because of the intelligence bell curve being more spread out, as with women staying more-so in the middle of that bell curve.

I will say I find this tweet ironic because this statement is coming from a woman who holds a major position at one of the most respected magazines in America, coveted by her own political group - The Left and its liberal lackeys.

Killingsworth is the Managing Editor at The New Yorker and for someone who has some authority over a major, prestigious literary/politcal magazine she's awfully low on details. It's as if she's getting her talking points from Jezebel or The Huffington Post.

Apparently it's all well and good to express anti-men thoughts when employed by The New Yorker. If any editor of a major newspaper or literary outlet said that patriarchy was because women were weak they'd be publicly shamed and they'd be forced to offer an apology, if not be urged to resign. I don't believe editor-in-chief, David Remnick, said anything about her outright display of hatred for men.

This isn't the first time Killingsworth has expressed extraordinarily rude views. When Associate Justice Antonin Scalia died she tweeted this -

It would be interesting to learn how much Killingsworth actually knows about Scalia besides whatever talking points she's heard through the grapevine. It's not if she's a law/political nerd and keeps tracks on what SCOTUS judges say, and I doubt she has read any of Scalia's books. I say this because the people who are broadcasting their psychopathic thoughts aren't even lawyers or professional activists, but just "political" in the sense that they're surface thinkers.

I would also not be surprised if her only exposure to Scalia was his dissent towards Obergefell v Hodges, where the faces of the four justices that dissented were put on paper, blown up and marched through a victory parade in the following days to show their supposed bigotry.

With people like Killingsworth I always wonder what drives to be bitter. I sense that it's partially due to her own work environment, publishing being a very liberal world, and maybe her own upbringing and most likely her university experience. Either way she's someone who I don't want to meet nor do I think she'll be a "catch" for any man simply for the fact her twitter makes her into some kind of pathological bitch.

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