Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What happened?

I suppose it was her goal, but the evolution of Miley Cyrus - an obnoxious yet somewhat charming young girl to a an even more obnoxious pansexual tongue wagging girl with weird as heck hair styles - is a case that a psychologist should be jumping on like Cyrus getting excited over a penis cake. I just find the transformation outright sad, embarrassing and puke worthy. And it practically out of the blue. This "new me" was most definitely planned - a calculated PR move.

Not surprisingly a number of child entertainers, who have been established well before they were 18, tend to follow the path similar to Cyrus. Now many will say it's "the system" that forces such transformations in a retaliation to the "be a good girl" but I feel that's a cop-out. Rarely does anyone blame parents, the kids turn young adults and the hedonistic and, at best, amoral atmosphere that permeates the entertainment world, especially the movie/film/theater sect.

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