Sunday, November 15, 2015

At least she's cute.

On the bright side she can say she was on national television and has "student organizer" on her resume for One Million March. She can also say to her grandkids, if she even decides to have kids, that during her college years she was part of an "exciting" time where she fought for "equality" and "fairness."

 Here's a gem of a comment -

"Fuck you Neil Cavuto - and fuck all you idiots who don't get it - it's simple - the system is rigged and we're sick of it."

I suppose the person who made this comment is under serious educational debt.

And another -

Person A: "Fox news propaganda at it's finest! They are really good at misleading their base."
Person B:  "Liberalism at its dumbest."
Person A: "Its not because liberalism is too nuanced for you to understand that makes it dumb. But I see  where your coming from."

You heard it here, liberalism is too nuanced for troglodytes. 

Another poster said that since he couldn't find information on One Million March and on Keely Mullen, the students, that the movement and "Keely" was all "fake." He said that Fox News (not Fox Business News) was trying to intentionally paint those who dedicated their lives advocating for free education, higher minimum wages and free health care in a bad light. That's a lot of effort if it were even slightly true. He also said that Fox News had a past on making fake stories up. 

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