Friday, November 13, 2015

Put down what you're drinking. Swallow what's in your mouth.

I don't want you to spit it all over your monitor and keyboard.

Now read this -
Just another form of control and teaching of hate brought to you by the organized religions. This is exactly why I left the Catholic faith before the rush to get out and swore never again join any religious group be it Baptist, Jehova witness , Luthern etc. They to me are all cults designed to brain wash and teach hate in the name of the lord. My Lord and God taught forgiveness and tollerance and told me he is the sole judge.

This was in response to The Church of Latter-Day Saints, otherwise known as Mormonism, currently deciding to accept children of same-sex partnerships into their organiztion.

According to this poster Catholicism is a cult alongside all organized religion. Well, I can't wait to dabble in unorganized religion. I heard it's simple stupendous and without corruption, neither is it brainwashing nor is it filled with hate. Except hate for organized religion and the brainwashing that all organized religion is a cult. I would attribute the personal corruption which is brought forth by pride as well.

Whoops. We got a smart-cookie in our midst. 

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