Sunday, November 8, 2015

MSM is trying super-duper hard.

The media doesn't like Ben Carson. There's many: Seth Rogen, to a couple of pop/on-line journalists giving Carson a big middle finger, to academia - funny enough, all have been from the social sciences, to networks trying to rip the surgeon over pyramids and whether or not he was actually given a full-ride to West Point (at least it wasn't affirmative action like Obama when it came to Columbia & Harvard).

I couldn't care less about on what he thought about the pyramids. The man's a surgeon, that's his specialty. How many people in such niche fields that needs dedications practically 24/7 seven days out of the week know what the pyramids were built for? Heck, I can't even remember and I was a big Egyptian history nerd in my grade school days. If you ask me upfront I'd shrug my shoulders and say, "They're used mainly as a burial chamber?"

The West Point tabloid like phenomenon, though more juicy that the aforementioned gossip, is still hand full of sand. Once you're admitted to West Point there's no tuition to be paid. Technically Carson did not lie; he just wasn't precise with his words and thoughts like he is with a knife while in surgery. It's unfortunate and he should've clarified for his own sake, but the media's laughable obsession of it is telling. They aren't obsessed with Hilary's emails. They're obsessed with framing Carson into a liar. To them Carson should be vetted like a suspect under a swinging ceiling lamp as he is questioned by the investigator. Too bad they got the wrong suspect: They let Hilary get away.

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