Sunday, February 22, 2015

Men who don't support "equal rights" for women ...

I promise, I'm not watching the Oscars, just spending some time on IMDb in its Movie Awards section. People there are giving updates on the wins. 

Patricia Arquette's Oscar speech for Best Supporting Actress is where she called for "equal rights" for women, in pay and in, well, everything I presume.
“To my heroes, volunteers and experts who have helped me bring ecological sanitation to the developing world with To every woman who gave birth to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody’s equal rights. It is our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the United States of America.”
Now, I do like the idea of -- it's a sanitation and compost project for clean water. The issue I have: Right at the southeast border of Wyoming there's a "green" rest area. Instead of concrete paths, it's rubber paths. Instead of flushing toilets, there are composting toilets. Oh, and I remember the stench coming from the dark abyss; the toilet seat was too wide for my butt so I had to dump my fecal matter mid squat. If I somehow I slipped, lost my balance, I would've either fallen into the abyss or gotten stuck with my legs sticking upwards and my upper body squashed against my knees. There was also no paper towels to wipe ones hands. 

According to one IMDb poster (not the OP of the thread) -

What's next, "men are afraid of 'strong,' 'independent,' and 'confident' women"?

Gotta leave it to movie fans to be low-info, sheep-like pathetic fools.

Gotta leave it to movie industry people to use the Oscar platform to always blurt out some modern day social issue like they're courageous and insightful. And as the crowd yelps and claps in agreement ...

On another thread on the speech -

According to "midwestmoviemaven" empathy is a qualification to make movies about the non-millionaires of the world. Did I say IMDb tends to attract people who tend to say very stupid things? No? IMDb tends to  attract people who tend to say very stupid things.

Then there's "RealDuality." This poster  just knows that source that debunk the unequal pay between men & women came from Fox News, either directly or indirectly. He's that good. This one's my favorite -

So it's Fox New's fault no matter what ... Then it's all the mainstream media trolls' fault ... "Well the world is just against women and their unequal pay!" It's just a fact. RealDuality just knows that women are unequally paid. Even if left-leaning news networks like ABC and CNN say that it's a myth, it's still a fact according to him, so "phooey" to them.  I would guess that the poster is reading some study that wasn't mentioned.

EDIT:  It turns out the winners for Best Song, rapper Common and singer/songwriter John Legend, for Selma took some political shots as well when they were given the mic. Talked about race.

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