Sunday, February 22, 2015

Traditional Catholics who don't want to "impose" on secularism

This is to all the Christians and secularists/humanists that want traditional Christianity to "stay in the closet." The Christians who, for some messed up reason, support government sponsored same-sex "marriage." You are all fucking idiots and I would not want you in my foxhole if this country ever experiences a Red Dawn type of scenario, let alone on a debate team.

We got butt hurt homosexuals/bisexuals/the-confused wanting to force bakers to make a "wedding" cake with two men or women on top of it. (1) The figurines will just make me give a stink eye and laugh and (2) I wouldn't want any of that cake to begin with. I mean, how bizarre is that? That's like throwing a party for a kid who ended up in fourth place out of four. It's like saying "good for you" towards a homosexual/bisexual friend for finding a "lover." It's sickening.

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