Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Youtube Weigtlifters

For those that are familiar with the popularity of weightlifting youtube channels, there seems to be a at least one "do what you wanna do" video by the lifter. I talked about this self-involvement in a past post.

Elliot Hulse has one and probably more, but I don't want to peruse his channel in fear that I may puke; Brandon Carter's has one; Maxx Chewning has one as well.

The saving grace for Chewning's channel is that he, at least, doesn't have this pseudo-intellectual front going on like Hulse. I'll admit it: I think Hulse is a hack. Most of his "philosophical" ramblings are just coming out of his ass probably because he reads way too many new-agey spirituality books without much guidance.

Keep lifting weights Hulse. Stop lifting airy new-agey books - they're making your mind turn to shit.

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