Sunday, April 12, 2015

LGBT & the military #1

This will be the first post of my thoughts on the LGBT community and the military.

I was on youtube browsing information for fancy rats (domesticated pet rats) and came across a video that seemed to have what I was looking for, then I clicked on his profile and perused through his video library to find out if he had anymore (he didn't). I then stumbled upon him proposing to his boyfriend entitled "gay marine proposes to boyfriend," took a look at the comment section and found these -

There were handful that didn't approve saying that gay "marriage" is legalized sodomy, which I agree with, and others that appealed to nature and how sucking another man's dick and having your penis penetrate the body cavity that excreted stool wasn't all too "beautiful" and "cute," as much of the comments were when giving the two Marine and his boy"friend" their good wishes.

As the comments made clear, the play of "love is love" is used to full force and the appeal to humans "just falling in love with someone who so happens to be of the same sex" peaks its head as usual.

There's the fool who thinks marriage is some bizarre heterosexual tool to oppress women and keep those who suffer from same-sex attraction as second-class civilians. I'm guessing Salvatore isn't from the US, but if he is, then I wonder what's the push for marriage if it's such a messed up and archaic social institution? 

What I strongly get is that marriage, the general feelings of the institution of marriage, from the comments is that it's just a mere celebration of ones feelings for another - the grand statement of "Hey! I dedicate myself to this person for the time being until our feelings run out or if he/she pisses me off too much!" This isn't necessarily an attack on those who support gay "marriage," but mostly a comment on what many in general, I assume, marriage is. They have some very shallow concept and meaning behind marriage. Many will probably say that since we have this current concept of what marriage is and what it stands for that it proves that marriage is some social institution that never was really important, only that it's important to those who choose to perceive marriage as something individually costumed (like "Have it your way." Burger King style) - regardless of sex preference and regardless if the ceremony is performed at a resort or city hall by some "pastor" that has more in common with a Vietnam hippie than an actual serious pastor of an orthodox sect.

I will also comment on the straight-out arrogance of modernists and those that usually fall into the boho/indie/hipster sub-culture when it comes to kids. They either say "No. Kids are way too much and I value my freedom and individuality," or "Raising kids isn't that hard. The suburban housewives make it look like it's running a marathon." So it's too hard or it's not as hard as it seems, but if you ask them about their lives and personal issues they probably need to see some sort of therapist; if they have a tumblr page they'd probably have some really childish view on the world like "Why can't we just get along?" with some instagram-ish pictures portraying heartache and under 30 yr. old angst. (I hope to make a post on the angst that is overflowing tumblr.)

But back the gay Marine "marriage" proposal and all the adoring comments on it. I ask, if you've seriously thought about what actually is marriage - not some expression of two people, man and woman, declaring their feelings to one another - not some heterosexual plot to oppress women and to malign the gays and bis and the confused - and in my mind marriage is: The union between opposite sexes, of two different souls, in hopes to established a family, to procreate, and to raise the next generation. Now that may fall on the romantic side, but it's much more stable and less immature and doe-eyed than "Two people regardless of sex dedicating their lives to one another." You can say that for any relationship between two good friends who aren't romantically/sexually interested in one another. So, that in it of itself makes same-sex marriage rather bizarre and laughable. I'm sorry yet I'm not.

Society shouldn't be celebrating two people of the same-sex getting "married" let alone a proposal to do so. Society should look at such a thing with raised eyebrows and rejection of the action, not the people involved. Such a relationship, in the grand scheme of things, does not contribute anything positive to society (if they want kids they need to adopt or revert to in vitro -- every single time) and furthering accepting it blindly like it's "so cute!" and "beautiful" is actual proof of how damaging it is. Gay "marriage" does (negatively) effect my life, kids and ultimately society.

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