Thursday, April 30, 2015

They cry. I laugh.

They say "How could you be so cruel?"
I say "Go f_ck yourself with your dildo."

Modern liberals aka "progressives" + left-leaning libertarians cry much more easier than conservatives. Let us look at various remarks where the water works are let out.

"There's so much hate in this world!" *crying*
"I can't believe I belong to the human race!" *crying*
"He's your own flesh and blood! Why would you hurt him!" *crying*
"Hate, bigotry and ignorance are the reasons why America is so backwards!" *crying*

Add in such people tend to take up causes like the awareness wristband craze, take up protesting at least once a year in the name of "injustice" and let's not forget they reblog/retweet and circulate videos that are the basis of such crying, causes and social media frenzy.

For all this awareness you'd think they'd become amazingly educated in the truest sense of the word. They are not. You'd think these "re-define what it means to be a man" types are like Spartans who reads philosophy, at the same time raises two kids and pleases his wife beyond belief in the bedroom. No. They most likely aren't Spartans, most likely they are not married and they probably don't want any kids till their in their mid 30s. They probably have no redeemable skills if a zombie apocalypse happens besides the ability to edit a video for youtube. Great. That comforts me. They probably don't know to handle a gun, or at least have no interest.

As for the women? You wo-MEN see birth and being a mother like it'll ruin your already not really-admirable-life. I could care less if you specialize in Chaucer. Do you know how to cook a badass meal? Can you handle a gun if the man holding it originally gets bitten by a zombie? Probably not because the modern world and your upbringing -- I feel mightily sorry for you if you grew up in NE America, LA, Berkeley or some swamp that is liberal America -- has rendered you practically useless unless it's in the confines of certain industries (entertainment, journalism, fashion and, uh, entertainment, journalism and fashion) and specific cities.

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