Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Feminsm and its Allies, and the Allies' Allies.

Hmmm. What an interesting array of retweets and tweets. Now, I only pick on Stevens because she was one of the very first links that showed up when I wanted to read more about this story.

The thing with non-conservatives, for the many times I peruse their twitter profiles to see if they jumped off the deep end, they wear their "pride" (whatever that is, be it perverted same-sex attraction, identifying as a feminist, some "stand for your rights" oppressed minority BS) on their sleeve.  In the case of Stevens its feminism, raising your kid as a feminist and gay mirage. I notice there's no mention of "wife" in her twitter description box. Single mom, maybe? It's not that I have anything against single parents it's just in Stevens' case it's sorta not surprising.

Of course, I like the retweet covering its butt saying "Well, you're not invited anyways!" like a spoiled butt hurt kid about Santorum's gay mirage stance. Don't worry, as Stevens tweets Dana Goldberg comforting words, I bet the baby shower will be stupendous and people will be asking "So who's the dad?" if the two are women - if in vitro was the path - and "So the baby is coming from India? No, China?" if the two are guys.

Other tweets that show up on Stevens account was from CNNMoney by another woman saying she's becoming a fan of Stevens, and one by an "artist" (Kate Gilbert) originally from the U.K.

Chicago Tribune Lifestyle, CNN, Advocate.com, and an "artist."

Talk about being in an echo chamber of sadness.

As predictable as it can be, both of these women, Stevens and Goldberg, are in fields that cater to the "feelings" or just plain out relativism: journalism (Stevens is a 'lifestyle' writer) and comedy/entertainment for Goldberg. The places that they reside aren't too surprising either (like I said, predictable). The Tribune isn't exactly NYT but it's better than a smaller periodical. Living in LA as a comedian is rather a "dime a dozen" - you're probably will get more exposure if you're Jewish, a lesbian (openly, because "Da Courage!) and have a decent amount of funnies up your sleeves (I've never seen Goldberg's standup so she could be just a token for all I know).

Speaking of being obnoxious -

I agree, pretty awesome t-shirt once we get to that little "human rights" sign aka LGBT Campaign. The typical "love is love" is added on, the cry/mantra/slogan for people who share the mindset of Goldberg (I'd be called a hater and a bigot) and the throw-up worthy "love conquers hate" in the context of "love" (same-sex attraction) vs so-called hate (bigots). It's a very simplistic slogan - in this case it's downright manipulative. This slogan speak to two different types of 'wars': Actual war with guts being spilled, bullets being zipped pass your head, going through boot camp and wearing camo. The other war is a cultural war. This cultural war can be represented by the gay "marriage" vs. traditional/natural law camps. Goldberg's t-shirt - the colors as striking as they are - speaks to this war, yet I cannot help think that its shallow and vacuous. Hopefully the t-shirt was made in the USA, if not that it was "ethically" and consciously made overseas, and that the dyes used were eco-friendly. We can't have fair trade supporters be upset. My question to Golbderg is "Are you a practicing Jew - Reform or Orthodox - or are you just a cultural Jew who really just wears it around when it's convenient - not really something you think about unless you want more 'feathers in your cap'?" Goldberg could cleverly say that her shirt supports both gay "marriage" and Israel, but I get the feeling that the main reason for wearing it is because belongs to the LGBT community of activists. Israel, you're only convenient when it looks cool and it makes the people using you feel good. Feelings. Convenience. Ah, it's like fast food - but guess who the "evil" one in that case?

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