Saturday, May 23, 2015

Big Gay Inc. & The Media

Over at Crude Ideas there's a video concerning Ted Cruz and his irritation on answering questions relating to homosexuals. It's smart of Cruz to clarify that he allows such questions to be asked, but he also points out the media's obsession with gay "rights" and its insistence on grilling politicians who may not support these so-called "rights."

What irritates me, as someone who isn't a politician or someone has never held any government position that represented group of people, I will say that Cruz makes a good point. Given that Ireland (as previously stated in an earlier post) will be voting on same-sex "marriage" come the 25 of May, 2015, these questions will only become more prominent and the LGBT supporters will be even more hungry to expose "bigots." As I mentioned, I'd be surprised if the referendum doesn't pass. The only issue I have with Cruz' answer, as a Christian, is "Scripture tells use to love everybody." That's too much of a wide answer. Many 'progressive' Christians and secular types hold this as a "Vote yes for same-sex marriage." Such Christians don't want to be "mean" or to "non-Christian." Well, with that logic, carrying to its fullest practice,  they must be very proud of their daughter who becomes a porn star; I can go as far and say that not supporting the legalization of prostitution is the same as not supporting same-sex "marriage." I can also say that prostitutes have more ground to be deemed second-class citizens than those with same-sex attraction.

Oh, the reporter was totally planted there by LGBT activists to ask Cruz (and any non Democrat politicians) such questions. Truly, gay "right" supporters belong to a psychological fucked up cult-like group.

If you do not support gay "marriage," think same-sex relationships are anything but normal and healthy, and think that adoption by such people shouldn't be allowed you're automatically though of as having "animosity towards homosexuals," as said by the journalist. It's a downright horrid accusation that is bereft with any thought and reflection. It's based mostly on emotions (that's how the left works: Grade A Emotions, only at $2.19 per gallon). To accuse people of "animosity" is to shutdown discussion. It's like this -

"I don't think 'marriages' between two people of the same-sex is a real marriage."
"Well it's legal in this state so it doesn't matter what you think."
"So if it's legal then it's topic that doesn't deserve to be critical off? Ten years ago it wasn't legal, now it is. Can't it work the other way around as well?"
"You know what, you're just a bigot. Gays don't effect you."
"They do, actually. They have probably the most fervent "right" supports that I've come across in my short life. In fact, you calling me a bigot tells me how gays effect me. I can say that's beyond a micro-aggression."
"So you want them to be in the closet, to be ashamed of their true selves? You think they're second-class citizens?"
"I think they should tell their family and close friends. Not the world. I'm not going to play kindergarten teacher and pass out self-esteem cards to them. Homosexuals aren't second-class citizens just because they can't get married, yet, to the person of their choice or adopt nationwide. Making such things legal won't make them first-class citizens because they were never second. In fact, it'll make them and their supporters even more obnoxious and indignant. Just you wait. That doesn't say 'relieved.' It says 'brat,' and 'narcissistic.'"
"You're a hateful human being, you know that?"

Same-sex relationships aren't equal to opposite sex couples. It doesn't matter if the government says so.
Kids raised in same-sex households don't have equal childhoods to those with opposite sex parents. It doesn't matter what academic studies say because they'll rule in favor.

As long as there are people who hold these beliefs, Big Gay Inc. will not stop. They want to snuff, to track and to ruin anyone that offends them. We (I)  dealing with an insidious creature born out of a disorder. It is innately cruel and narrow-minded. It will forever, in its own mind, be a victim, even when it wins (by the stupidity of the people, if not by fiat).

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