Friday, May 22, 2015

"Finding yourself."

Well, I hope you have a map.

"Being true to yourself." (sexuality)

I hope you have money to pay for the kids. Truth be told, two women in white dresses (or one in a suit) is pretty laughable. Two men in a suit is quite ridiculous. All this under the concept of "marriage."

"Live an authentic life." (again, sexuality)

You basically want to be guilt/shame free, but at the same time refuse to reflect why your "romance" is pretty fucked up. Sorry, your "love" doesn't inspire anything but more fucked up thoughts, ideas and relationships.

"My partner and I ... " (be it a straight or non-straight relationship)

Using the word "partner" is so devoid of any romantic connotations.I'd be insulted if my significant other/spouse/girlfriend referred to me in that way. It's just a strange and awkward word to use unless it's used to for a business partner, or a dance partner or a homework partner etc. It's weird because people use this word probably want the "awws" and the "they make such a cute couple!" comments, and the ceremony and the kids and the  ... You get it. Using "partner" is a sign that says "Modern BS Train."

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