Monday, May 18, 2015

You're as annoying as the people you try to defend.

That is, the owner of fisheaters, Vox Clamantis.

See this thread. Why don't you wave a rainbow flag, VC? Go on. 

Here's his annoying ass response -

It is sad. But it also points out something I am passionate about, as anyone who posts or lurks here knows:  the importance of being very clear about the Church's true teachings about homosexuality and homosexuals, and the importance of being truly charitable and sensitive and letting the language used to talk about those things express that.

Nothing annoys me more than sloppy language when it comes to talking about homosexuality -- especially when some people don't really "get" the Church's teachings and come off as "anti-homosexual" or just plain ugly and mean. It is CRUCIAL that people get this straight. Most everyone knows a homosexual or has a homosexual family member. And most people love those people. Ugly language, a lack of respect, ridiculous assumptions, game-playing with language ("homosexuals don't exist", etc.) -- it's GOT to stop. It not only hurts those homosexuals and the people who love them, it hurts Christ Himself and His Church.

Bottom line:  if you woudn't say it about schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, clinical depression, epilepsy, etc., then don't say it about homosexuality, which is a disorder, not a sin in itself. Only acting on that disorder is sinful. When you meet homosexuals, don't make assumptions about things you don't know anything about ("he is out of the closet, therefore, he acts on his disorders," "he acts on his disorders, therefore he has anal sex," "he's gay and he has a male roommate, therefore they are lovers," etc., etc.)
Good luck with that, VC. You come in "peace" and "respect" but many LGBT activists don't give a shit about your niceness. Your approach doesn't work. You're a lamb. I'm glad you opened up fisheaters for more orthodox/traditional minds, but man you're a fucking walk-over.  People like Dan Savage will just laugh in your face and mockingly ask you to "Suck my dick you bigot."

I never came across someone saying homosexuals don't exist - like actually exist, implying if they're just a figment of our imaginations. The closest thing I came to that remark was when biology and "born that way" were questioned as legit pillars to discuss for same-sex attraction's "natural" state. The odd thing is he also plays the "you probably know a homosexual" card. And? So-the-fuck what if one does know a homosexual? Is this suppose be some "safe zone" bullshit? VC also plays the "you can't think that cause it's rude and mean" card. I nominate VC for the "Ally for Homosexuals" award, complete with a "Thought Police" badge.

On a more charitable note, I do agree that as Catholics we need to make crystal clear same-sex attraction, whether one identifies as a homosexual, bisexual or whatever label, that they are humans who have a disorder. That they are to be treated with respect (non-derogatory name calling, no family party exclusions, no lynching).

I've come across some less-than charitable people who aren't supportive of same-sex relationships let alone "marriage" and adoption, but never to the cartoon that many LGBT activists paint such people out to be. Such people can be easily talked to and I found no real difficulty on explaining why their choice of words, or statements, is counter-intuitive to their stances. More or less they've been understanding. Well, save for the Westboro Baptists, though I think it's safe to believe that any Catholic/Christian with a sound mind would agree that they're outright assholes and d-bags.

The reason I do not support VC's attitude, at least in the "STOP IT YOU GUYS! YOU ARE MEAN!" is that I absolutely believe that most all complaints made by internet LGBT activists, and those are really behind the push to fundamentally change the family and how we see same-sex relationships, are either lying or exaggerating their claim of victimhood.
  The lesbian (who's butch as heck) waitress who filed a complaint that a couple (male + female) did not leave her a tip because of sexuality? A lie.

The infamous Matthew Shepherd case that his death was due to the murderer being anti-gay? False.

I also just find LGBT activists and their lemmings, like the WBB, straight out assholes and d-bags. Unlike the WBB these people want to royally fuck up your family, your way of life and your "be nice" stance. They want revenge because of their insecurities and their mental instability. These are the most bitter people, besides extreme Muslims, I have ever come across. It's not because they were fired from their job because they liked the dick instead of the vagina. It's not because a bisexual said she wanted to be in a "committed" relationship with a woman to her parents, and that she was thrown out of the house. It's not that a lesbian was denied an apartment for rent because she liked the "soul" of another woman instead the "soul" of a man. No. They're bitter people because their minority status of their sexuality makes them insecure to an extent where there are support groups. Where's my straight support group? There is no serious group because straights aren't disordered that way. It's when "growing up different" is their badge of courage. It's when people like Dan Savage suspect that the people who bullied him in high school did so because they, too, were gay and that they wanted to suck his dick (read that straight out of a college newspaper that interviewed him). 

The LGBT community know what they're attracted to isn't "normal." They wouldn't be growing up with their shame (to say it's because of their bigoted family and society is stretching it; many times, from what I've observed, it's because innately they know that liking their own sex isn't actually "right"), when that shame turns into "pride." Nothing says normal, beautiful and A-OKAY about Pride Parade, the sexual acts done by "active" LGBT people (because vagina grinding, carpet eating and hand holding will produce a baby ... ) and LGBT activists tactics and fervor. Absolutely nothing.  

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