Saturday, April 23, 2016

My thoughts on Michael Voris' "Limiting God" video.

I'm glad for him. Not because he needed to do it, but because he told the people - at least in own mind - that needed to hear it: fellow Catholics and watchers of Church Militant. This video was directed to a specific group, not necessarily to the world.

He "came out clean" and repented. Now that's refreshing. He didn't want an applause; he wanted forgiveness for his sins and, it seems, he has learned from his mistakes. That's something rare even in the most gifted of us.

Does it make him self-loathing? Nope. I never sensed that. After all, he is right on what he says about same-sex attraction and, for the most part, has been very charitable. Take for instance this video.

There's no doubt the LGBT activists will label him self-loathing, but they're wrong - as always, even in this case.

This video doesn't make anything of what Voris said in the past invalid because he has proclaimed the faith like saying 2+2=4, though flawed he may be. And 2+2 does equal to 4.

I believe this confession should not deter or change any goals Church Militant, Voris' youtube channel, has set to accomplish. If anything, it should garner more support by the faithful. 

To be honest, I never completely liked the man's style of broadcast. I found it, well, militant but I understood his goal and therefore was charitable. But within his style I found a person who understood the teaching's of the Catholic faith more so than her opponents, the non-Catholics and the secularists. And as they say, the best conservatives are usually ex-liberals; in Voris case, the best Catholics are usually great sinners.

I hope Voris continues to call a spade a spade, both towards the Church, keeping it honest, and towards modernism. 

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