Friday, April 15, 2016

Sewanee caves into the feminists.

Over at Ivy Style, editor-in-chief Christian created a wonderful post about the joyous day of commencement at the University of the South, or simply known as Sewanee. It's a marvelous tribute to the tightness of the campus and to the well-dressed students.

But all was not well.

The post was so marvelous that Sewanee put it on their facebook page, only for it to be later taken down due to backlash of how the students were described. As Christian writes -
"So I was monitoring Google Analytics and social media today, and Sewanee put up a link to this post on its Facebook page, leading to another giant traffic spike that lasted for several hours.
Initial comments on FB were proud and positive. Then the feminists started complaining. I say feminists because the most vocal used that term in reference to her studies, and said she felt “erased” by the quote from the reader who said the female students in the post from last fall looked “ladylike.”
Several others complained that this post is sexist because of the terms “ladylike” and “fresh-faced and pretty.”
I went out for a couple hours and when I got back the link and discussion thread had been removed from Sewanee’s Facebook page."
The feminists are on every campus, even if it's in The South. It's almost a guarantee that someone will be offended if you give words that are complimentary to a woman that is genteel in nature. I can only assume that this is seen as a sin because, if I wear my feminist cap, unconsciously puts women "in a box" and creates images of a picket fence, marriage and - I dunno - slimness. A housewife may have popped into their feminist head alongside submissiveness. Modern day feminists don't like that.

Maybe they were triggered and thought that Christian's words were hints of sexual harassment.

What else? Fresh-faced and pretty. As suppose to what, hot? Babe? Bangable? Fuckable? Dour?

Maybe those that complained want the words like "independent," "strong," "empowered" as descriptive words instead of "fresh-faced and pretty." There's no doubt in my mind that the "fresh-faced and pretty" women captured in the Sewanee photos would describe themselves as such.

As a guy, I greatly prefer "fresh-faced and pretty." Add in "ladylike" as well. I suggest that you don't erase such a standard, or else you risk the future of young women not knowing was "ladylike" is and what it entails. You also don't want young men who have forgotten what being a gentlemen is, because without a lady, a gentleman would be incomplete - in some way.

EDIT: Since the Ivy Style Sewanee post was taken down from the university's Facebook page, a handful of students have ventured to the site and have expressed their views.

Students, Isabella Lilly and Rachel Head, wrote the following -

Speaking of privilege -

EDIT 4: I've met this mentality before - the scoffing off when someone mentions political correctness. That person was a homosexual. Go figure.

I've written back to most of these losers and I said that opposing views have taken into account the microaggression brigade. The reason why they're mad is because the "fellows" (the clowns, creeps and bores at Ivy Style) won't apologize; C'13 and his crowd are bitter because people actually stand up to their shit. The irony.

Come up with a better argument before you decide to pick a fight with your better-equipped peers online.

 You mad, bro?

I'm not sure what's so "short-sighted" about the article since it really didn't say anything about the university or student body besides acknowledging the sense of community and pride that permeates the pictures. It's obvious that C'13 is not up-to-date on the tracking and discussions about the feminist/microaggression crowd done by conservative blogs (see: College Fix, Minding the Campus) and think tanks (see: Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute, YAF) and that the disparages are not without thought. Also note the arrogance of the poster. He believes that Isabella's and Rachel's posts were excellent counters to the article, and that the disparages are shallow.

This fucker actually believes that his indignant side is the "A-Team." He actually thinks that the people who expressed disagreement are in over their heads.

Then we get into some "you've been token up' heavily, eh?" territory.

EDIT 2: Paula Jones cared to join.

If you tell off the feminists, accusing them being "PC Stalinists," and refuse to apologize, you're the delicate snowflake according to poster "Ol' Nippy" -
"Me thinks the overly sensitive ones are the clowns calling out the “PC Stalinist” crowd. Who is the real snowflakes here?"
We got cunts who want to throw out all the accusations and then some. They're in the right. They aren't the snowflakes. You can't win because they aren't honest and they don't practice logic.

Clowns? Bores? These are all used to mock, denigrate, and silence the people they deem ill equipped to handle important discussion.

Note: Both C'13 and Paula use "better equipped" when referring those - and I don't who they're referring to - that no doubt feed their psychological imbalance.

EDIT 5: Sewanee student "Paul [Gibson] Naumann" issued this set of posts -

Since the article featured mostly whites (maybe he expected to see more minorities?) he accuses his own campus of having "white male privilege." Given a quick google search and if I can derive anything from his name, Naumann is white himself. As I try to make sense of his first post he's also accusing the article of having racist and classist undertones because it pictures mostly white and well-dressed students.

Naumann is the same student who wrote this student piece back in 2013. The topic? Douchebag frat boys and sexism. The boy even says that men assert their male privilege in the workforce and depend on it to get ahead while females have to work harder. Given his writing ability Naumann has demonstrated that he's a dumbass.

In his article Naumann posits that since the university's Alpha Phi Omega chapter, alongside others, is led by women that "male excellence" is debunked. I was in APO at my university and there were more females than male members, about 70-30 ratio. During my undergraduate years my chapter's president was male and then I later become president. Unless there's an even distribution of male to female at Sewanee's chapter, and that a male lost an executive position to the eventual winner who so happens to be female, Naumann's premise just doesn't work. He then accuses SGA (Student Government Association) of sexism since it's been dominated by males - too closed minded and lazy to elect a female. (Are we talkin' Hillary Clinton here?) That's weird, because Mizzou's SGA's executive board is led by a male. Yes, the Peyton Head who rang a false alarm about seeing a KKK member on campus. Not only does Mizzou has to deal with BLM, but also sexism! Naumann better give the heads-up to Mizzou! Right the wrong! What's strange is that Sewanee has more female students then male. I'm not aware of SGA at Sewanee being accused of male bias in the past, so I think Naumann is seeing things that only he sees due to his poorly developed brain.

Isabella and Rachel probably know each other. C'13 and BB c'17 probably have some ties to said students. Same with Paula. Paul is the perfect white knight.


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