Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Where's Milo Yiannopoulos when you need him?

A Texas pastor ordered a cake from Whole Foods, asking to have "Love Wins" written. The cake decorator went above and beyond his duties, though.
"The attorneys for Pastor Jordan Brown said he ordered a cake from a Whole Foods store with the personalized message "Love Wins," but when he received it, the cake said "Love Wins F**."'
 Whole Foods is popular with urban yuppies and "raw food" eaters who tend to lean left on economic and social issues, so this was a little funny. But then again Christians are publicly mocked (SNL, Modern Family, Law & Order, academia) and it doesn't become national news. The word "fag/faggot" has become to the new n-word in terms of that word of socially unacceptable pejoratives. 

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