Friday, April 15, 2016

University of San Francisco's Intercultural Center goes full-retard.

You cannot make this stuff up.

Are any of the staff practicing Christians? As a Catholic I never asked for a day off nor did my parents or their friends who are also Catholic. I never needed one for religious reasons. I don't know how they came up with this Christian privilege.

The other sad part is other universities thought it was a good idea and implemented it on their campus as well, reports the San Francisco Foghorn campus newspaper.
 “The posters were shared thousands of times on social media sites, especially Tumblr and Facebook, and published in feminist online publications Jezebel and Bitch Media. As a result, there have been numerous requests from colleges across the nation to use the materials on their campuses.” 
This is something straight out of tumblr's Loserville section. If you check the Intercultural Center's staff bios you can get some idea of how this became about.

If we just look at the staff group picture there are a few white females who are no doubt feminists. There's one white guy who I will presume is a White Knight. There's a couple of fat chicks, a black guy trying to act cool, a bunch of Asian girls, an Indian girl, couple of black chicks and a fat Hispanic. No Asian guy. No Middle Eastern or Indian guy. Heck, there's not one person who is physically handicapped in one way or another. Are any of these people veterans?

We have a bunch of indignant assholes whose "awareness" is making naive college & high school students believe that "Check Your Privilege" is some legit movement worth investing in.

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